i leave bite marks

hi thjere . hello

welcome to neeet. my name is mikey. i like music and i like metal shiny things.
find out more about me here. follow me here. listen to me talk here. the navbar works , but you can click on the cds to go to my review page.

update log
-sat 18th jan 25 : started work on the reviews page because i want to complain . considering recreating the artbook page ?
-wed 15th jan 25 : more details nd stuff
-wed 8th jan 25 : this SUCKSSSS i HATE ITTTT im tempted to do an entire site overhaul
-tue 7th jan 25 : so lke none of my last work saved. ok. trying something new
-thu 2nd jan 25 : im backkkk......??? trying to make my site look cool and emo but i think i just made it worse
-mon 30th sept 24 : i forgot i had to update the update log
-tue 25th june 24 : changed the colours. again. already planning for my next colour change
- thu 20 june 24 : i can declare the home page sort of finished? like it's obviously not finished, but it's not embarassing to look at anymore. does that make sense
- most of june ? (entry on the 18th) 24 : work to chip away at the site, rearrangement, trying to bring the site away from one aesthetic focus.
- mon 3 - tue 4 june 24 : colors changed, work started on about section
- sun 26 may 24 : headings added, changelog added
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what's mikey doing?
currently watching : nothing
currently reading : stacks of flight records my dad brought home from the lockup
currently playing : nothing at all