Tiny Star
i will fight god cradled in the guts of an angel


welcome to neeet! my name is mikey. i like music and the smell of gasoline. sometimes i talk about things. i make web graphics for the tumblr.
find out more about me here. follow me here. listen to me yap here.

update log
-mon 30th sept : i forgot i had to update the update log
-tue 25th june : changed the colours. again. already planning for my next colour change
- thu 20 june : i can declare the home page sort of finished? like it's obviously not finished, but it's not embarassing to look at anymore. does that make sense
- most of june ? (entry on the 18th) : work to chip away at the site, rearrangement, trying to bring the site away from one aesthetic focus.
- mon 3 - tue 4 june : colors changed, work started on about section
- sun 26 may : headings added, changelog added
this box is free and empty. maybe i should put something here.
music player

select a song!

  • untitled #1 - pgmg
  • juturna - circa survive
  • water's edge - 1997
  • what's mikey doing?
    currently watching : ncis
    currently reading : nothing interesting
    currently playing : animal crossing new horizons, corpse party, needy streamer overload